Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ delivers high-quality academics, hands-on experiential learning and personalized attention from faculty and staff dedicated to your success. We consistently live a culture of ethics and service in everything we do.

A Mount education is based on an interdisciplinary liberal arts and professional curricula emphasizing values, integrity and social responsibility.

High-quality acad​emics

Our highly interdisciplinary, liberal arts curriculum challenges students to think outside their major and connect diverse subject matter. A robust offering of majors, double majors and minors prepares you for a successful future.

Read more about our high-quality academics the majors, minors and programs offered.

Cooperative and experiential education

The Mount is dedicated to you, our students, in delivering hands-on experiential learning needed to build confidence and future professional success. Nearly one-third of students who participate in cooperative education (co-op) accept full-time employment with their co-op employers.

To find out more about internship and cooperative education opportunities, visit the cooperative and experiential education section.

Personalized attention

Our 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio keeps our focus on you. Small classes give you the chance to work one-on-one with faculty members to develop your unique strengths.

Our friendly, knowledgeable staff offers a broad range of resources for your well-rounded personal development: academic, wellness, career. Your experience will help enrich your mind, body and soul.

The leadership at the University helps to foster a close-knit campus community that makes it easy to find resources and connect with other students.

Devotion to service

Since the Mount’s founding in 1920 by the Sisters of Charity, we have made serving the needs of our students and the community our core mission. As a nationally recognized institution, we continue to live a culture of ethics and service in everything we do.

History of the University

Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§, established by the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, opened its doors to the first 20 students in 1920 as the first Catholic university for women in Southwestern Ohio.

With the growth of student enrollment, the Sisters of Charity made plans to develop property at the intersection of Delhi and Neeb roads, and opened a new campus in the fall of 1962. In 1986, the University was formally declared coeducational. The University, though incorporated under a Board of Trustees in 1972, remains a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Charity.

Today the University serves a diverse coeducational student population of undergraduate and graduate students.