
Academic advising is available for all degree-seeking students. Before registering for class, traditional students must meet with their advisors, who provide registration clearance on the web.

Advising for adult students

We encourage adult students to meet or talk with their advisor before registering for classes. Advisor registration clearance for adult students is required for the following majors: art, athletic training, biology, chemistry, education, mathematics, nursing, paralegal studies, psychology and social work.


The Academic Advising Resource Center is housed in the Conlan Center. Advisors embrace the importance of effective, ongoing academic advising from a student’s perspective. We intervene early, intensively and continuously so you have the best chance of success at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§.


Contact Information
Academic Advising Resource Center
Mary Mazuk, Director
(513) 244-4213