Learn more about Criminology online at the Mount:



  • The Criminology online program is designed for students who have an associate’s degree in Criminal Justice or for students who have completed foundational courses in Criminal Justice or Criminology.
  • Criminal Justice focuses on police, courts, and corrections, while Criminology is the study of crime, crime patterns, criminal behaviors, and society’s response to crime.
  • Online learners at the Mount will receive access to the same programs and clubs as our traditional students.
  • Employers prefer criminology degrees over criminal justice degrees because criminology focuses on interpersonal skills and a better understanding of race, culture, social class, and behavior. The Mount is also regionally accredited.

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Learn about Criminology graduates from the Mount:

Name: Craig Shanks
Company: Proctor & Gamble
1. How has your Criminology degree helped you in your field?
My degree in Criminology has given me a level of dedication that is essential to succeeding in a professional work environment.  Different skills like problem solving and communication are essential to criminology and are skills that you can take with you in any profession you choose.
2. What is one unique thing that your Criminology degree had enabled you to do?
My Criminology degree has allowed me to gain valuable experience in pretty much any field I want.  I have received the opportunity to do internships with the US Marshals and with Hamilton County Jobs & Family Services where I was able to see two very different areas of law enforcement.
3. Which Criminology class has helped you in your career?
Every class has helped in my career.  Criminology is such a multi-faceted department, that every class you take teaches you something different that you take with you the rest of your life.
4. Do you have any advice future Criminology students?
Use your degree to get involved in any way you can.  Work with your professors and go to the co-op office.  The opportunities you are given to succeed and gain experience are countless.  You just have to be willing to to go and talk to someone.

Graduates of Criminology are well prepared for careers in:

Law enforcement
Criminal investigation
Substance abuse counseling
Youth counseling
Crime analysis
Security management
Public administration
Graduate studies in law, criminal justice, forensic science and more

Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Criminology Online at the Mount