Jen Taylor ’13
Currently in graduate school for Zoology at Miami University in their Global Field Program, Jen Taylor, 2013 Mount alumna, has received an abundance of field experience and opportunities since the completion of her undergraduate studies from the College of Mount St. Joseph.
LaMarra (Marty) Hudson ’12
LaMarra (Marty) Hudson had been a program coordinator at University of Cincinnati’s Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center for almost 14 years—but she felt called to do something more. She chose the Mount’s Religious Studies graduate program[...]
Justin Fuller ’11
Graduating from the College of Mount St. Joseph in 2011 as a double major in psychology and sociology, Justin Fuller has always wanted to give back to the community. After finishing his undergraduate studies, Fuller has given back to his community in more ways than one.
Mary Ann Hegner ‘09
As a staff chaplain in the Heart Institute at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Mary Ann Hegner provides spiritual and emotional support to patients, families and staff. Hegner graduated from the Mount in 2009 with a master’s degree in Religious Studies.
Bridget (Metzger) Price ‘04
After graduating from the Mount in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in Religious Pastoral Ministry, Price moved to North Carolina and worked as assistant campus minister at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School for one year. She was then hired as campus minister at Notre Dame Academy in Park Hills, KY, her alma mater.
Casey Thompson ‘04
Casey Thompson’s story at the Mount began in 1997 as a traditional student and football player. Thompson returned to the Mount in 2003 as an adult student graduating with his B.A. in Liberal Studies in 2004. Thompson re-joined the Mount again in October 2013 as the Academic Exploration Program Advisor.
Timothy Marshall Thornburg ‘02 & Gloria Bailey Thornburg ‘02
Both Timothy Marshall Thornburg and Gloria Bailey Thornburg took weekend classes at the Mount while working full-time jobs in Louisville, KY during the week. Gloria was campus minister at Assumption High School; Timothy was the owner/manager of Goodyear tire stores and did retreat work as an avocation.
Johanna Bockhold Becker ’00
Johanna Bockhold Becker, director of campus ministry and teacher at Mother of Mercy High School (Cincinnati, Ohio) received her bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies and her certification in Secondary Education (English) at the Mount in 2000.
James T. Gerdsen ‘98
In addition to his success at Apollo, Gerdsen is also author of the new book Squirrels, Boats, and Thoroughbreds: Lessons for Leading Change in Traditional Business.