The Saturday MBA is paced for the working adult. Students can conveniently earn an MBA degree in just over two years taking courses one at a time on Saturday mornings.
The GMAT IS NOT REQUIRED. So take advantage of foundation courses that are available now.
Fall 2014
MGT 500 Corporate, Legal, & Ethical Responsibility 8/30; 9/6, 13, 20, 27; 10/4, 11 Break 10/18
MKT 520 Marketing for Management 10/25; 11/1, 8, 15, 22; 12/6, 13 No class 11/29 (Thanksgiving Weekend)
Winter/ Spring 2015
MGT 580 Team Building & Group Dynamics 1/10, 17, 24, 31, 2/7, 14, 21
MGT 510 Managing Innovation & Technology 3/7, 21, 28; 4/11, 18, 25; 5/2 Break 3/14 & No class 4/4 (Easter)
Summer 2015
MGT 603 Project & Operations Management 5/16, 23, 30; 6/6, 13, 20, 27 Break 7/4
MGT 605 Leadership Seminar 7/11, 18, 25; 8/1, 8, 15 Break, 8/22; 9/5
Fall 2015
ACC 600 Managerial Accounting 8/29; 9/12, 19, 26; 10/3, 10, 17 Break, 10/24
MGT 602 Leadership in Organizations 10/31; 11/7, 14, 21, 12/5, 12 No class 11/28 (Thanksgiving Weekend)
Winter/Spring 2016
FIN 610 Managerial Finance 1/16, 23, 30; 2/6, 13, 20, 27; 3/5 Break 3/12
MGT 606 Leadership Seminar II 3/19; 4/2, 9, 16, 23, 30 No class 3/26 (Easter Weekend)
Summer 2016
ECO 600 Global Economic Issues 5/14, 21, 28; 6/4, 11,18, 25 Break 7/2
MGT 607 Strategic Management 7/9, 16, 23, 30; 8/6, 13