With the help of the Sisters of Charity, alumni and the community, the Mount has grown from 20 students in 1920 to over 2,300 students today. We look forward to the next 100 years of milestones at the Mount.

Looking ahead to our centennial year, the Vision 2020 Planning Task Force has been established to engage faculty, staff, alumni, students, trustees, Sisters of Charity, and the community in a collaborative process to create the Mount’s next strategic plan. We look forward to the next 100 years at the Mount.

Celebrating 10 years of the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) program, 20 years of the Honors Program, 25 years of the Master of Arts in Religious Studies program, 30 years of Cooperative Education and Project EXCEL, over 40 years of competitive athletics, and 50 years of the current campus.

The College celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati.

Francis Marie Thrailkill, O.S.U., is named the Mount’s fifth president.

The College becomes fully coeducational. Alumnae Association changes to Alumni Association.

Jean Patrice Harrington, SC, is named the College’s fourth president. The Weekend College is established to offer degree programs to men and women.

Dr. Robert Wolverton is named the Mount’s third president.

The Mount celebrates its Golden Anniversary. Enrollment passes 1,200. New programs are introduced in religious education and fine arts.

Adele Clifford, SC, is named the Mount’s second president. She serves until 1972.

The new campus opens on a 75-acre tract at the corner of Neeb and Delhi roads in Cincinnati with nine major buildings constructed around a central quad. A donation from alumni, local businesses and friends help finance construction costs totaling $15 million.