We want to help make college more affordable by offering to pay for your room. You may be eligible for a Residence Hall Room Grant of $4,500. This grant will be renewable an additional three years provided you reside on campus as a full-time undergraduate student.
Details and eligibility
Must apply by January 1, be accepted by January 31.
This offer applies to residents of select counties in:
- Chicago, IL
- Cleveland, OH
- Columbus, OH
- Indianapolis, IN
- Lexington, KY
- Louisville, KY
- Lousiville, IN
- Nashville, TN
- Toledo, OH
To learn more about eligibility, please visit the details and eligibility page. This generous grant is renewable for three years provided you reside on campus as a full-time undergraduate student.
Want to learn more?
Please enter your contact information below. One of our friendly admissions counselors will get in touch with you soon.
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