Students must be admitted to Mount St Joseph University before applying for Project EXCEL.

Students interested in Project EXCEL are encouraged to apply as early as possible. The cut-off date for admittance to the program is two weeks prior to the beginning of the term. Space is limited; therefore, each application is evaluated carefully to identify students whose needs best match the nature of support offered in Project EXCEL. The following steps are necessary to complete the processing of an application:

  1. Completion of the following downloadable forms:


             Completion of the following electronic forms :

  •   - for traditional students only (educational data provided by teacher or academic counselor)

        2. Submission of the following data:

  • Documentation of a disability. Documentation should be current and relevant.
  • Letter of Recommendation (from any non-family member that has knowledge of your work habits)
  • On Campus interview with the Director of Project EXCEL.

Use the Application Checklist for Project EXCEL as you complete each activity.




The documentation must be current and relevant. It may include a psychoeducational evaluation, Multi-Factored Evaluation (MFE), Evaluation Team Report (ETR), or a Summary of Performance (SOP). Evaluations administered within the last three years are preferred for application to Project EXCEL. The documentation must present evidence of a diagnosed learning difference(s). The documentation will be reviewed to determine if there is reasonable evidence that college academic requirements can be successfully met. The tests administered and scores achieved must be part of the report. In some cases additional documentation may be requested to determine appropriate accommodations. If you have specific questions concerning documentation, please contact the Director of Project EXCEL.

In order to be considered eligible for admission to Project EXCEL, the assessment must be recent, conducted by a certified and/or licensed professional, and include the following: aptitude testing (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale preferred), achievement testing (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test or Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-educational Battery preferred), disclosure of all concomitant conditions.

Aptitude Testing (must include scaled scores)

Preferred measure:

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Third Edition (WAIS-III) or Fourth Edition ( WAIS-IV)

Achievement Testing (must include standard scores)

Preferred measures:  

  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Second Edition (WIAT-II)
  • Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-educational Battery III: Tests of Achievement (W-III)

Disclosure of all concomitant conditions

Must include:

  • Diagnostic summary stating DSM diagnosis
  • Discussion of functional implications
  • Recommendations for the post-secondary setting