Where is the Student Accessibility Services office located?
The office is located in the Seton Center, Room 155. This is next door to the Learning Center.
  What are accommodations and how do I receive them?
Accommodations refer to adjustments and auxiliary aids provided to enable students with disabilities to have access to education equivalent to their peers. The purpose of accommodations is to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity for success.
  Does the office test for Learning Disabilities and/or Attention Deficit Disorders?
No. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for their own testing.
  I have ADHD, what services are available to me?
All services provided are determined on an individual basis. Consideration is given to your needs based on the documentation submitted by your provider.
  If I register for accommodations, who will have access to my documentation?
The Student Accessibility Specialist is the only person with access to your documentation. All documentation is kept confidential.  
  If I have the accommodation “Leniency in Attendance”, does that mean I don’t have to attend class?
No. Class attendance is essential and may be considered an essential component of the course or program. This accommodation only applies if a class is missed for disability-related reasons. The student is responsible for contacting faculty immediately and making up any missed work as soon as possible.
  Does the office provide tutoring?
All Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ students have access to free peer tutoring through the Learning Center. Please email learning.center@msj.edu for more information on peer tutoring. 
  If I have a medical condition, is that considered a disability?
If you have a medical condition, you may be eligible for accommodations if the condition results in a functional limitation in major life activity. Documentation of the medical condition is required to determine eligibility and to ensure that accommodations are appropriate. It is important to adhere to all policies and processes articulated in this document to facilitate the accommodation request.
  Will my transcript indicate that I received accommodations?
No. Your records are kept confidential and are not part of your Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ transcript.
  Are accommodations retroactive?
No, accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations for qualified students do not apply to assignments or examinations completed before the registration process is completed. Student Accessibility Services cannot require faculty or anyone else to change grades or provide opportunities to retake assessments or resubmit work for assignments/examinations given before notification of accommodations.