Here are contributions from students, faculty, staff and Mount graduates, giving a glimpse into their experience of Covid-19 through six-word "memoirs."

Here are contributions from students, faculty, staff and Mount graduates, giving a glimpse into their experience of Covid-19 through six-word “memoirs.”
This was the challenge announced mid-September:
Okay, so the student newspaper, “Dateline,” borrowed this idea from Larry Smith of “The New York Times,” who was inspired by a “memoir” by Ernest Hemingway (“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”).
Can you capture an impression of your life during the pandemic in six words? We will print some in our first issue of “Dateline.” due out at the end of September.
I graduated. I did not graduate—Conner Bryson, Alum
Never regret the hugs you receive--Samantha Ryan, Student
For Hire: New Grad, Wears Mask—Elsa Black, Grad Student & Alum
I enjoyed amazing time with God—Brian Teter, Staff
Dogs are the real winners at home--Annie (Barkley) Horn, Alum
Desperately seeking life outside of computers--Sister LaKesha Church, Grad Student
Grieving mother treading water to breathe--Aimee Cordrey, Alum
Still working. Crazy to be essential--Greg Mazuk, Alum
Working from the couch. It’s blursday--Mary Mazuk, Staff
Staying home, self-protection, reconnecting with myself—Beth Murray, Faculty & Alum
Coronavirus cannot defeat commitment to community--H. James Williams, President
Wearing pajamas for every Zoom class--Mia Jackson, Student
My I.D. doesn’t match my face—Loraine Delaney, Staff & Student
I never liked going out, anyway--Josh Zeller, Faculty & Alum
What can we learn about each other?--Sister Nancy Bramlage, Alum
Sometimes life throws a curve ball–Mark Steinriede, Student
A series of plans that change—Christa Currie, Faculty
Eyes squint to convey a smile—Morgan Carpenter, Staff & Alum
Mask-training toddlers, not for faint of heart--Catie Smith, Alum
Tiger King & Wine with DeWine--Scott Smith, Alum
Fortunate for the extra family time--Jimmy Maupin, Alum
LOUD, BOOMING! VIBRATING!! Voice within screen--Chloe Rose Ramsey, Student
Home: office, gym, theater and church—Amy Demko, Staff
Missing: a handshake, long hugs, kisses—Ginny Taylor, Staff
Professor, do we have Zoom today?—Elizabeth Mason, Faculty