You might have seen them walking the halls. Many may be in your very class.

You might have seen them walking the halls. Many may be in your very class. They dress in ways similar to others at the Mount. The majority have tattoos. One or two may be tobacco users. They drink copious amounts of coffee, and their vernacular may seem a bit uncouth. It is rumored that these strange individuals gather in a small corner room in the academic advising center. They are the military veterans of the Mount community.
With Patrick Tierney as president and Amy Wolf as senior advisor from Admissions at the helm, these individuals have been holding meetings around campus open to any individuals who want to help all veterans in communities. Conspiracies abound about what actually happens when these ne’er-do-wells gather in groups of five or more. It may surprise you just what the veterans at the Mount are up to these days.
After a name change from VIC (Veterans in Communities) to the new HAVIC (Helping All Veterans in Communities) last year, this group has accomplished great things. HAVIC, pronounced “havoc,” prides itself on providing assistance to the veteran community in the Cincinnati area and their families. From helping with emergencies among Mount staff to providing a scholarship for a Mount student, these veterans continue to serve.
The veterans of HAVIC have made sizeable donations to groups like Easterseals, a non-profit group that provides support to children with disabilities, their families and homeless veterans. From helping to buy bus passes for homeless veterans to helping to pay for funeral expenses, HAVIC veterans are prepared to help.
Every Christmas HAVIC prides itself on helping as much as it can with the Mount’s Giving Tree. The penny-pinching treasurer can be seen around that time pulling out his hair but is easily convinced with a picture of a smiling child with their new gifts from Santa Claus. They also have been known to gather professional clothing donations to provide veterans with clothes to wear for work. Evidently camouflage is not acceptable in the civilian office.
These wastrels have even been known to work with other groups at the Mount. HAVIC helped Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society with a fundraiser last semester. Mary Mazuk, Director of the Academic Advising Center and the primary advisor of the honor society, says, “The veterans on campus provide an enriching worldview perspective with everything they do at the Mount, and it was a great experience for the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society to collaborate with them for a good cause.”
It is whispered that this group is considering beginning a mentorship program: providing guidance and help to other students who may be interested, endowing others with their acumen regarding military service and daily life, and spreading their unusual insights among the younger students of the Mount.
Can anyone join the veterans of HAVIC in their operations? Of course! They are always looking for new members who want to help others. No, you do not have to be a veteran to join the platoon. These scoundrels will take anyone who is looking to aid in their efforts.
Don’t worry, there is no dress code and no contracts to sign. These are veterans we’re talking about. They’re just happy that they can walk on the grass and there is no PT test at 0600. Come as you are, see what all the ruckus is about.