Money doesn’t grow on trees but it does grow in your wallet if you let it.

Money doesn’t grow on trees but it does grow in your wallet if you let it. There are many reasons to start saving but oftentimes we won't take the time to consider the reasons that our savings hasn’t started. Usually we have the good old excuse of being too busy and not having enough time. Now, nine months into a global pandemic, we have more time on our hands than we want to admit.
We’ve missed birthdays, and work days, and now it’s time for the holidays. It’s been a year of chaos but now it is finally time to start preparing for years of financial confidence. Let’s take a look at five common barriers to blissfully saving so that it eventually becomes easier to save the money that God has entrusted to you.
Destructive Debt- Look at the money you owe others. Consider your car loans, and your credit card debt. Interest-bearing financial obligations take money away from you and your success while giving your funds to mega successful financial institutions. It’s a reverse Robinhood operation that you can remember every time you swipe a credit card.
Reckless Spending- Have you set a budget? Have you looked at the amount of money that you are financially responsible for each month? It’s imperative that you know the amount of expenses that you have. Be committed to paying the monthly financial obligations that you have to manage. Incurring late fees takes more money away from your paycheck, and other companies will get to enjoy the money that you worked hard for.
Pay Day Loans- Run and avoid them if possible. Resist making it a habit to frequent those establishments even though they specialize in convenience. The interest fees principle payments that you avoid can be used to contribute some extra funds into your savings. You’ll be quickly adding to building your own wealth rather than building theirs.
Overspending- During this time of year, it’s easy to get pressured into spending money that you know you can’t afford right now. Listen to your inner spirit guide and consider showing yourself some love by showing your wallet some attention. How about this year, you show people you care with your creativity rather than with a price tag.
Store Credit- Cashiers are sometimes offered a commission for the number of new credit applications they are able to influence. Although you may be feeling generous throughout this holiday season, do not give away things at your own expense. When Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000, he didn’t actually use his own fish. Be cautious of predatory charge cards that are probably presented with a smile, an application, and a no- risk obligation. When they offer you “to open a new account with us today,” politely say “no thanks” and be confident that you kept your financial power.
Write yourself a small sticky note about a future plan that makes you smile. Then stick that note in your wallet as a visual reminder. You will see it every time you need to make a purchase or pull out your identification. When it’s tempting to impulsively buy something that is a want rather than a need, then you will have your gentle reminder to build your wealth and let your money work for you instead of letting it go to work against you.
Adopting these five helpful hints will be the start to you appreciating that money doesn’t grow on trees but it does grow in your wallet if you let it.
I want to thank Patrick D. Tyler of Credit Union 1 for his wonderful advice to help you succeed financially. Tyler is celebrating a November birthday, and I wish you and him air hugs and big smiles behind the mandated masks as we all strive for financial fitness in the dawn of 2021. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.