As our roots trace back to the Sisters of Charity, Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ has been blessed to continuously partner with other faith leaders.

Mount St. Joseph News

Mount Director of Mission Integration Sister Karen Elliott’s religious community, The Sisters of the Precious Blood, have made a significant monetary gift to Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§. The gift supports the University’s providing additional staffing and increased programming for the evolving “Mission Ambassadors Program,” as the number of Mission Ambassadors increases with each incoming freshman class.  The Office of Mission Integration, under Sister Karen’s leadership, administers the Mission Ambassadors Program, which is now in its second year.

"In alignment with our mission, the Sisters of the Precious Blood are honored to further the mission of Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ through supporting the Mission Ambassadors program," says Sister Margo Young, C.PP.S., MD from the Sisters of the Precious Blood Leadership Team. "We believe it is essential to engage with and mentor young people in their faith development and encourage their service to others, motivated by concern for the common good."

 The University is filled with gratitude, and several Mount members extend their thanks:

"I am filled with gratitude to the sisters in my community for their tremendous support, generosity, and prayer," says Sister. Karen Elliott, Director of Mission Integration. "The monetary gift will provide us with support for three years to make our Mission Ambassadors a robust program that is transformative for our University.  The trust of my sisters and their belief in and support of the ministry of mission is an inspiration that will forever remain in my heart.  I give thanks to God for the support of the Sisters of the Precious Blood both in prayer and in finances."

Michelle Arnold, Assistant Director of Mission Integration, also weighs in on this impactful event. "I am so thankful for the generosity that the Sisters of the Precious Blood have shown the Mount with this gift. I am humbled by their faith in the Office of Mission Integration to not only live the Mission of the University through the work of the Mission Ambassadors, but also the missions of both the Sisters of Charity and the Sisters of the Precious Blood. I am blessed every day to work with one of the amazing Sisters of the Precious Blood, and through her friendship, I have met several other sisters in her community. I am profoundly grateful for the gift of friendship, prayer, and treasure that the sisters of Sister Karen’s community have shared with us. Most of all, I am truly thankful for Sister Karen, as a friend, and as a leader and true believer in what we can accomplish with the Mission Ambassadors."

"The gift bestowed so generously by the Sisters of the Precious Blood would always have been wonderful," says Amy Smith, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, "but to receive such an investment in the context of a year replete with countless challenges is an indescribable blessing. Our Mission Ambassadors serve and sustain the Mount community in unique and vital ways, and it is a relief to know this program will continue to grow and thrive for years to come. I am personally so grateful to collaborate with and learn from Sister Karen Elliott as she continues to shine a bright light on what is right, what is good, and what is possible."

“The Mission Ambassadors program began nearly 2 years ago with a small group of first year students," says Jeff Briggs, Chief Financial Officer. "Their enthusiasm for service to not just the Mount community, but the region as well, has moved leadership and enhanced the Mount campus. This gift will allow more students to join the program, grow programming, and sustain the Mission Ambassadors to serve the common good well into the future.  We are so grateful The Sisters of the Precious Blood have entrusted the Mount with these resources.”

“The Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ community and the Sisters of Charity are sincerely grateful to the Sisters of the Precious Blood for their generous contribution to support the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Mission Ambassadors," says Dr. Alice Ann O’Neill, SC. "It is very important to deeply infuse and educate Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§U students with the mission and charism of Charity. Sister Karen Elliott, C.PP.S., began the Mission Ambassadors to create a framework for Mount students to come together to pray, to learn about the Charity charism, and to live out the Charity mission of love and service on our campus and beyond. The Sisters of the Precious Blood are truly visionaries to see this need to educate young people through mission as essential for the future of our church and our world.”

“The Mission Ambassadors program provides a unique opportunity for Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ students to claim and explore the rich mission of the University.  By highlighting mission these students learn the value of participating in life ‘with a clear purpose.’ We are grateful to the Sisters of the Precious Blood for their extremely generous gift to expand the program.”

Sister Mary Caroline Marchal, SC

“The Mission Ambassadors program is a unique and direct way in which a student can connect their spiritual values and beliefs with what it means to be a student at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§. The Mission Ambassadors program works to help students directly understand having a greater purpose in life and how to apply what they are learning both inside and outside of the classroom to their community. Through the Sisters of the Precious Blood’s gracious gift, this program can be expanded to fund additional programmatic elements such as a prominent speaker series, a university service project, and the addition of a professional staff member to enable even further growth and longevity.”

Sophie Stewart, Assistant Dean for Student Engagement & Leadership

“I have had the privilege of getting to know many of the young men and women serving as Mission Ambassadors at the University.  Their desire to grow closer in their relationship with God and to be of service of others is inspiring.  As a Sister of Charity and former member of the Board of Trustees, I am grateful to the Sisters of the Precious Blood for their generous gift to the Mount which will assist in providing increased staff and programming for our Mission Ambassadors in the coming years.”

Sister Barbara Davis, SC

“The substantial gift that The Sisters of the Precious Blood recently made to the Mission Ambassadors Program goes well beyond being a financial investment – it is an investment in love, legacy, faith, fellowship, and ministry. Humans are relational beings; therefore, students are relational beings. The relationships we form as young adults are vital to our spiritual and emotional growth. College students need healthy relationships and experiences as part of their growth; Mission Ambassadors stand ready to provide this support as true servant leaders. Ambassadors serve as leaders of interfaith prayer, assist with student retreat experiences, serve as prayer leaders for our athletic teams, engage in service activities, and assume leadership for other campus ministry events throughout the academic year. This gift will allow the University to expand opportunities for growth through increased staffing and programming that will greatly benefit participants. To The Sisters of the Precious Blood – thank you for believing in our students and their ability to change the world.”

Heather Crabbe, J.D., Associate Provost for Academic Support

“Our Mission Ambassador program is a fantastic opportunity for students to be actively involved and engaged with their faith tradition, their classmates, and the Mount community! The programs allows our students the chance to dive deeper into their spirituality, while also building their resume and earning funds towards their education. Our Mission Ambassadors are eager to learn, contribute, and thrive!”

Marianne Pugh, MBA, Assistant Director for Traditional Recruitment