Previous alumni board member Sister Barbara Davis, SC works to proudly serve the institution in her recent alumni volunteer role at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§.

headshot of sister barbara smiling

What was your graduation year at the Mount?

I graduated from the Mount in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science in Education.  I was asked to serve on the Board of Trustees in 2009 - I served from July 2009 through June 2017.

Can you provide some background on the scope of your volunteer work at the Mount and the service work you would like to highlight?

When I moved to Cincinnati in fall 2017, I began volunteering at the University.  My first involvement was through the Office of Mission Integration - I live with Sister Karen Elliott, C.PP.S. who is the Director of that Office.  Then I started doing some volunteer work with the Alumni Office, primarily with Matt Taske.

What significance does this work hold for you to continue to serve the Mount's legacy and mission after your time as a board member?

The Mount strives to be a welcoming community for students, faculty, and staff.  This sense of hospitality, I believe, has been a hallmark of the College/University since its inception.  My engagement with alumni through making calls to wish them "Happy Birthday" is a small way to extend that same hospitality and just to keep in touch. 

What inspired you to become an Alumni Board Member and what was your role during this time? 

I was pleased to be invited to serve on the Mount's Board.  My supervisor at Mercy College was always very understanding and allowed me to take the time off I needed to travel to Cincinnati to attend Board meetings.  Over the eight years, I missed very few.  I served on the Academic Committee and was able to be present or connect via phone.  Because of the distance, I wasn't always able to be present for events such as the Mount Gala.  I'm delighted that I can attend events now on a regular basis; I'm a big Lions fan and love going to football, volleyball, and basketball games.

I am proud to be an alum of the Mount and am grateful for the opportunity to help where I can!

Are there any interesting challenges/new perspectives you would like to share in your volunteer role?

I love when I actually get to talk with alums!  I've heard amazing stories of their time at the Mount; recent grads tell me what's happening in their lives; sometimes I find that the individual knows someone that I know, always under the "small world" category. Of course, I am delighted when alums tell me how much their time at the Mount meant to them.  Some calls have lasted up to 30 minutes --- although that's rare, I am always grateful to have the time to listen and to share.

I keep track of the results of each day's calls.  Since I started tracking data in April 2020, I have made 4,838 calls through June 30, 2021.  Of course, not all of these calls result in a contact; there are quite a few disconnected or wrong numbers.  For the past several months, I have been able to use Alumni Finder to see if I can find a correct number.  If I find a number, I call to confirm that it is correct.  I'll hit the 5,000 mark in August.

The Mount extends a warm thank you for your efforts, Sister Barbara! For more information on how to get involved in the Mount's alumni department to give back to the University, contact to learn more.