Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ seniors provide helpful tips about how to be stress-free during college.

Mount St. Joseph News

The end of the semester is quickly approaching us;  as soon as midsemester break comes around, the weeks seem to fly by.

A question for students: recently, how many hours a day do you think you spend doing homework, studying for exams, and meeting with professors? How many minutes do you feel like you are overwhelmed with the pressure of getting that gpa to just the perfect decimal? How about the amount of time you spend worrying if you’ll pass a certain class? If any of these statements are relatable to you, you’re in luck. In interviews with three upperclassmen here at the Mount, they responded with helpful tips about how to be stress-free during college in general, especially towards the end of the semester. 

The first person I interviewed was a senior, Olivia Henninger who was willing to share with me some advice for students. The interesting tip she told me that helped her over the past four years when it came to the anxiety of the end of the semester was to make a list. She stated that the list should include all of the assignments, meetings with advisors, studying time for tests, and everything a student would need to remember for the end of the semester. The catch is, in between each of the bullet points of the work to accomplish, she said to add something you like to do, whether that be working out, listening to your favorite song and just spending quality time for yourself. She says this helps with the overload. If you make time for yourself during these stressful times, you will be less overwhelmed.

Senior Taylor Amberger shared an awesome tip that I also have used for myself. She explained that you need to have as many meetings with your professors as you can. I agree with this, and it really does help. It can be challenging to do this, considering we were remotely attending school for a long time, and there might be some anxiety that leads up to the meetings with professors, but doing this, and trying to communicate with your professors about the exams, assignments, and deadlines is crucial. 

Senior Mackenzie Reinhardt’s tip for the end of semester anxiety was to listen to your body. I believe this is one of the most important tips because many students, including myself, tend to overwork themselves and get brain-fried. Reinhardt advised said that when you are studying for a long period of time and you feel yourself getting tired, you should take a break. If not, you might not retain the information as easily, or at all. She also suggests staying hydrated, exercising, and getting the proper amount of sleep. She said all of these components contribute to a healthy mind during the end of the semester, which is vital when it comes to passing exams, and doing everything you need to get done.

I also came upon a helpful source,“The College Student’s Guide to Stress Management,” published by Purdue University. The authors shared beneficial tips for students in college. One of the pieces of advice that stood out to me was that you should eat healthy. Everyone knows that eating good food can improve your knowledge of what you study, but this article explained how eating unhealthy food can increase your stress level. The article showed that you need to avoid fatty and sugary foods, along with caffeine. This is vital when it comes to being overloaded with homework. 

The second tip I agreed with on the article was “Think positively.” Thinking negatively could be the thing that makes or breaks you. The article says that saying positive affirmations to yourself including “I can handle this situation” and “I am relaxed and calm” can really help with having a more positive mindset. 

The most important tip I found on the website was “Reach out to your university’s counseling services, and your student advisor/resident assistant.”  This is so important for your health. There are resources here at the Mount that really do help with the stress and anxiety in college and towards the end of the semester. I have multiple friends here that say they have gone to the Wellness Center or the Student Resource Center, and they said that it really helped calm their minds. They explained how it was relieving that they knew they could go to someone to get help, or just to talk. I also have friends that feel super comfortable talking to their RA’s about almost anything. 

Having stress and anxiety through school is normal, and almost everyone goes through it, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Eating healthy, thinking positively, staying organized, taking time for yourself, and reaching out for help are all ways all of us students can ride through the end of the semester in a breeze. Good luck. everyone!