Thank you, Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ grounds crew, for brightening our campus and our lives.

Mount St. Joseph spring flowers in front of Seton fountain entrance.

“Spring is sprung -the grass is riz.  I wonder where the flowers is.”

As young children we sang this little ditty until our parents were tired of hearing it.  My mother tired first because it was “bad English” which I wasn’t allowed to speak.  For us it was the welcome song for the seasonal change from winter to spring. 

Oh, how we looked forward to the blossoms turning into full blooming flowers on the Rose of -Sharon shrubs, the yellow honeysuckle , the daisies, and tulips.  I know of a home in Wyoming where the lady of the house planted over 100 tulips of all colors.  When they bloomed, her yard looked like magical elves had come from Holland one night, planted all those flowers, waved a magic wand and turned her yard into a huge carpet of color.  It was a wonder to behold.

Every spring my mother planted a new tree in our back yard.  There were pear trees, pussy willows, red maple trees and evergreens.  When we bought the house in 1960, trees and weeds grew right up to the back porch.  I remember my father clearing the land so that we could enjoy two large flower beds and lovely grass growing in the back. 

I also remember our dog barking like mad there one day.  I went to see what was wrong, and discovered she was fussing at a snake.  I screamed and ran to the basement where my parents were.  The dog, my parents and I stealthily went back to the spot where the snake had been.  Of course, he hadn’t stayed around to see what we were going to do, and had high tailed it back to wherever such crumby creatures flee.  My mother was upset with me for letting him get away, and wanted to know why I hadn’t stayed out there and watched him. 

To this day I still wonder how that was going to work out.  The dog couldn’t talk, so how was she going to let them know what the problem was, and if the snake decided to leave, I certainly wasn’t going to try to stop it.  Ahhh, the mysteries of life!

Every day that I am on campus I stop to admire what is growing in the university’s flower beds.  The shrubs, trees, flowers and plants add so much to the lovely, peaceful atmosphere of the school.   Building and Grounds Supervisor Stacy Decker is so pleased to have his crew recognized for the great work that they do.  Just like the magical elves from Holland, they turn winter drab into warm weather fab, and lift our winter spirits. There is a heck of a lot more to landscaping than planting flowers and raking leaves.  You must know what grows best and where.  Having an eye for color always helps, and these talented persons use skill and techniques to make the best out of nature’s gifts.

So, thank you, grounds crew, for brightening our campus and our lives.