After a restful winter break and the start of a new year, President H. James Williams, Ph.D. welcomes students, faculty and staff back together for the Spring 2023 Semester.

Mount St. Joseph Statue next to pink tulips.

January 17, 2023


Students, Faculty, and Staff:

Today marks the beginning of the Spring 2023 Academic Semester at the Mount!  Although campus has been abuzz since the end of last semester, it is always energizing for all of the members of the Mount Community to be together once again.  Despite the cold weather and winter season, the campus is beaming with excitement for the opportunities that 2023 holds for all of us. 

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, yesterday, the Offices of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Mission Integration, and Student Engagement & Leadership held a powerful program, entitled “The Influence and Impact of MLK,” launching the Mount’s Third Annual “I Have a Dream Week.”  Each day this week offers the Mount Community different opportunities to celebrate and explore the continuing impact of Dr. King’s life and legacy.  I encourage you to attend at least one of the special events scheduled this week.  Please review the attached flyer for details.  This week’s theme – “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve,” a quote from Dr. King – is extraordinarily fitting.  The Mount offers all students, faculty, and staff immense opportunities to engage with one another and the Greater Cincinnati Community, to grow intellectually, and, ultimately, to serve the common good.

This spring, the Mount’s student engagement opportunities truly offer something for everyone.

Attend a band or choir concert, see works by Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ alumni in the San Giuseppe Art Gallery, from now through February 17th, or catch the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Theatre Arts production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, from March 24th through April 2nd.

If you are an artist, musician, actor, writer, or videographer, it is not too late to get involved in one of the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Renaissance groups and be part of the performances yourself.

Attend a sporting event: games, matches, and meets are regularly held on campus and the schedules for all teams are available at

If you enjoy physical activities, play an intramural sport.  Sessions this spring will include volleyball, basketball, flag football, outdoor basketball, futsal, soccer, and, possibly, other sports, where interest exists.

Freshman and sophomore students, attend the Emerging Leaders Retreat, on February 24th and 25th, hosted by the Office of Students Affairs.

Apply to serve as a 2023-2024 Resident Assistant and/or Orientation Leader, through the Office of Student Affairs.

This list of Spring Semester student engagement options at the Mount is certainly not exhaustive; however, it does provide a glimpse of the myriad enrichment opportunities the Mount offers for both undergraduate and graduate students.  Only through engagement with the community will students receive the full benefit of the holistic education the Mount provides.  I encourage each student to take advantage of at least one new campus opportunity this term – it will almost assuredly enhance your personal growth.   

Similarly, throughout the Spring Semester, we will continue to offer Mount employees professional development and community engagement opportunities.

Attend the “Grants 101” Lunch & Learn with the Department of Institutional Advancement, on February 2nd, from 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m., in the Clifford Room.

Attend the employee “Chocolate and Trivia” Event that will be held on campus, from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., on February 13th.

Attend an employee Operation Luke professional development series program.  This series runs throughout each academic year and there are two programs remaining this spring, on Tuesday, February 28th, from 9:30-11:00 a.m., and on Tuesday, April 18th, from 9:30-11:00 a.m.  Details about each of these programs will be shared in advance.

Again, this is just a hint of the Mount’s offerings for our talented and dedicated workforce this spring.

I encourage all students, faculty, and staff to attend the “Make Your Own Chili Bar” event, on Monday, January 23rd, at 4:30 p.m., at the Lion’s Cupboard, which is the Mount’s on-campus food pantry that opened in March of 2021. Thanks to an outstanding community collaboration, Goldstar Chili is donating 500 cans of chili to the Lion’s Cupboard this month!  The Mount will purchase some Goldstar Chili to host a gathering in celebration of this wonderful donation – and to thank the many volunteers who manage the Lions Cupboard.  Indeed, Dr. King’s vision that “everybody can be great because everybody can serve” is demonstrated each and every day at the Mount, through the service, care, and concern that this Community provides to one another and to all humankind, through initiatives like the Lion’s Cupboard. 

Finally, as we begin a new academic term, I share the following updates about announcements that were made last fall. 

Bishop Alter Library Renovation:  The Roar Store has been moved to the ground floor of the Seton Center, in preparation for the renovation of the Bishop Alter Library. We are excited about the Library renovation, which is scheduled to begin during Spring Break and to be completed by the beginning of the 2023 Fall Semester.  I have attached a couple of my favorite renovated Library renderings for your perusal.  Perhaps, these renderings will help you to share in the excitement about this important project.

Provost Search:  On December 31st, Dr. Diana Davis, former Provost, retired from the Mount, after more than 25 years of service.  At the last President’s Council meeting that Dr. Davis attended in December, I was honored to bestow upon her a new title, Provost Emerita.  We are extremely fortunate that Dr. Davis will continue her engagement at the Mount on a limited basis as our Provost Emerita.  Currently, the Acting Provost is Dr. Christa Currie. The Provost Search Committee will work diligently throughout the semester, with the goal of having a permanent Provost assume the role no later than July 1, 2023.

Of course, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that today is a special one for 30 students who have just transferred to the Mount!  These newest students completed the Mount’s orientation program over the weekend, and will start classes today. Please join me in welcoming each of the newest Lions to the Mount Family!

Have a wonderful semester, everyone!  I look forward to seeing you soon!  GO LIONS!


James Williams, Ph.D.