Great Start to the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Student-Run Free PT Clinic!

pt clinic

It all started on Tuesday evening, September 13, 2022. Our first clinic with our first patients. Things started our slowly and a little rocky - problems with an online documentation system (shocking, I know!). The students rose to the occasion and did a phenomenal job. Over 10 weeks they evaluated and treated 20 different patients ranging in age from 14 to 87 years old. Diagnoses treated included orthopedic, neurologic, and balance issues. Please see the wonderful write up in the Mount News page 19 or here: /audiences/mount-news-alumni-magazine/index.html
We would not have been successful without the help of our volunteer PT’s: Erin Hofmeyer, Drew Burchett, Brandon Polking, Monica Myers, and me. THANK YOU!!

    "So far, the clinic has been a success far more than we could have guessed and has become a unique and special opportunity to bring to our community! I am grateful to be able to see both students and patients benefiting and working together to achieve our goals. It has been a privilege seeing our patients progress week to week and getting to be a part of their journey and growth. Personally, I had not been involved with a Pro Bono clinic like this before and to experience it from the start has been amazing learning the ins and outs of running a clinic while working one on one with patients and their families to ensure they are getting great care during their time with us. We are just getting started and I am so excited to continue sharing and spreading the realm of our care to others in our community and more! "  ( Morgan Rouff cohort 2025)

"​Classes can be draining; it can feel hard to understand why we are studying such a wide variety of knowledge if we know we want to work in one particular setting. The pro bono clinic expanded this narrow view of the profession of physical therapy and gave this past semester a goal. It reminded me why we are working so hard in our didactic work. It provided my class with an opportunity to serve members of our community and give back to a program that is giving us so much.  For myself, it taught me that we learn from our patients as much as they learn from us. While this is particularly true right now as students, I hope to bring this concept forward into my career and continuously expand my perspective by looking through the lenses of my future patients. It was rewarding to see that, after only a year of classwork, we were equipped to treat patients from our community under the supervision of our professors and mentors. The pro bono clinic provided me with a source of motivation and a renewal of my excitement at becoming a part of the world of physical therapy."  ( Eleanor Fishlock cohort 2024)

VOLUNTEER PT’S NEEDED! The spring clinic starts Tuesday, January 24th and runs until Tuesday, April 11th. The clinic runs Tuesday evening from 6-8pm and Saturday morning from 9-11am. The following dates are open:
