In the Fall 2023 Semester, the First Incoming Class of Our New Master in Speech-Language Pathology Program Started at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§.


The Master of Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP) program prepares students for a rewarding career as a speech-language pathologist (SLP). SLPs work with individuals and families across the lifespan (newborn through geriatric) to prevent, diagnose, treat, and research speech, language, and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists work in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, private practices, skilled nursing facilities, and early intervention programs.


"We are excited for the Master of Speech-Language Pathology program to begin here at the Mount. This program has taken several years of planning and seeing the excitement on the faces of the students and faculty is immensely rewarding. As the program continues to grow, we are looking forward to the contributions our students, alumni, and faculty will make to the community." (Dr. Erin Sizemore, Chairperson, Associate Professor)


Read below for more insight into the MSLP Program from Aileen Osborne, a current MSLP student at the Mount!


1. Expected MSLP Graduation Year?

Our classes’ year of completion is Spring ’25.


2. Did you go to the Mount for your undergrad? 

I had some credits that transferred in, and I did the rest of the SLP undergrad courses at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§.


3. Was your undergrad SLHS?

Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§’s program is a 3-2 program. That means our first year of the graduate program is the final year of our undergraduate. This has a lot of advantages one of them being we get our Master’s in five years versus six as long as we test competent in all the required areas.


4. Why did you decide to come to the Mount?

The shorter version is that I have a son with significant learning disabilities. He was attending Springer for grade school, and they have a program where they invite speakers in to teach the parents about different topics. One of the seminars was about college options for kids with learning differences. As my husband and I were sitting there my hope for my son was bringing tears to my eyes.  As we were walking out I said to my husband I wish they had this type of help when I went to college way back when. He said, “So why can’t you go now?” It was at that moment I started to investigate it. I spoke with the admission dept, and Mrs. Wolf informed me there was a new degree they were going to be starting soon. I took all the classes I could starting that following fall. Of course, they were all online, COVID. The following year, my actual SLP classes started, and I loved it. I was a terrible student in college the first time around, very few teachers were willing to help me be the student I could be. Here at the Mount I have been on the Dean’s list numerous times, got in the master’s program and I am four and a quarter semesters away from something I started thirty years ago. Yep, that was the short version.


5. What inspired you to pursue a degree in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences?

This also started 30 years ago when I was introduced to sign language, both parents of my best friend in college are Deaf. Then when I worked at St. Rita and at Hamilton County I was introduced to a wide range of disabilities in kids. After these experiences, it got personal when I realized my son wasn’t verbally developing like he should at 9 months. I spent the next 10 years taking him to speech therapy twice a week. He was the biggest realization of how much I wanted to do this, I just wasn’t sure how till that night at Springer.


6. What has been your favorite aspect of the SLHS program?

My favorite part of this program is the staff! They are amazing and refuse to let you fail or give up. They refer to us as future colleagues. That phase alone is just proof that they respect what we are becoming before we even graduate.


7. Are there any Mount faculty/staff that have been pivotal in your journey at the Mount?

Other than all! Dr. Vale was amazing, welcoming, and so sweet as my advisor before Dr. Sizemore was even there. Dr. Sizemore has been my cheerleader and my support system. She reminds me on a regular basis being a mom, wife, and grad student is not easy and it’s okay to be overwhelmed. She reminds me that it’s okay to take time for me, it’s not selfish, it’s a necessity. Dr. Cuervo teaches us and reminds us of was to re-center ourselves to make us better SLPs and be more centered.


8. Are you involved in any extracurriculars at the Mount?

I am involved in the NSSLHA chapter at school.


9. What is your goal post-graduation?

My final plan is still evolving as we do our clinical practicums. I know for sure I want to work with kids. I am torn between a hospital or school setting.