When Paola arrived to campus as a transfer student, she was already enrolled in classes, had an assigned dorm, and received her student ID--a smooth start to her new college experience.

What is your year and major? What is your anticipated graduation year?
I am a senior graduating in December 2023 with a Financial Economics major.
Why did you choose the Mount?
Among many of the factors I considered, I chose the Mount because of the opportunities the Mount offered. One of them was the 4+1 Program and the fact that they had a Financial Economics major. I also took into consideration the scholarship I was offered and how easy and quick it was to enroll.
How did the Mount help accommodate your transfer needs?
If I am being honest, the Mount did everything for me. I did not have to do much, I sent them the information they needed such as my transcripts. It was super easy because I had a rapid response to all my concerns. When I got to campus I was already enrolled in classes, I already had an assigned dorm, and that same day I got my student ID. Everything was settled and good to go.
Are you involved in any student organizations or extracurriculars? If so, how have these supported your academic success?
I am a senator at the Student Government Association on campus and at some point, I was also a member of the DEI Committee.
How do you manage your course load along with other obligations?
Organizing everything is how I manage to do everything and be on time for all my meetings and endeavors. I keep track of my calendar and update it daily. I break things down into manageable tasks and in the process, I prioritize the things with the closest due date. One of the things that I learned to prioritize is mental health. When I feel too anxious or stressed, I make sure to do things that are for my own pleasure that are not related to school such as hanging out with friends, working out, or playing piano.
Are there any staff or professors you would like to credit who helped accommodate your transfer experience?
Absolutely, people at the Mount are so nice, helpful, and welcoming that it is hard to list them all. Shout out to my professors: Dr. Taggart, Dr. Weimer, Dr. Christopher Davidson, Dr. Elijah Prewitt, Dr. Elizabeth Bland, and Dr. Charles Kroncke.
Describe one of your favorite memories at the Mount so far.
Having lunch with my friends is my favorite thing to do. We usually have a 2-hour lunch, and we talk endlessly about everything. Having friends as neighbors is never boring. I also have great memories of the football games and formal.
What advice would you give someone looking to transfer to the Mount?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make sure you do your research on the things you want from the Mount and all the resources you have access to. Communicate with your adviser as much as needed. Plan of you moving into campus.