By Julie Dowell

As an 18-year-old women’s basketball player at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§, basketball has always been my compass. Growing up, my interests shifted from drawing to dribbling a basketball. When I was about seven, I wanted to be an artist. I loved drawing, my parents would get me pencils and drawing pads for every holiday. But as I got older, basketball took center stage. It demanded discipline, focus, and effort in a way that left little room for sketching in between. By the time I got a Division III offer to play here, I thought I had left that part of me behind.
Then came the required art class. I’ll admit, when I signed up for the 9 a.m. class, I didn’t see the value of it. I thought, It’s just an elective—I’ll go when I can, turn in decent work, and move on. But skipping classes quickly caught up to me. My professor saw through my excuses and recognized something in me that I hadn’t thought about in years: my love for creating. She gave me the chance to salvage my grade, and in reflecting on this experience, I realized how much this class has impacted me. Walking into that classroom as a computer science major and basketball player felt like stepping into a different world. Everyone else seemed to have a natural connection to creative expression, while I struggled to reconnect with something I hadn’t seriously done in years. It was humbling, and at times almost frustrating.
What surprised me, though, was how this discomfort forced me to grow. The assignments were more than just about technique—they challenged me to think in ways I hadn’t before. It reminded me that art and sports aren’t as different as they seem. Both require discipline, creativity, and a willingness to push beyond what’s comfortable. This class also gave me the chance to connect with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Mount St. Joseph has a unique culture, with 60% of us being athletes, but in that art room, it didn’t matter if you were a volleyball player, a biology major, or someone who just wanted to doodle. We all came with different stories, but we bonded over shared struggles and successes. Taking this class made me realize how important it is to be well-rounded. My life has been so focused on basketball and academics that I didn’t give myself space to reconnect with creativity. Art reminded me to slow down, to notice the details, and to find joy in creating something from nothing. It also taught me patience—a skill that’s valuable not just on the court, but in life.
For anyone who’s skeptical about stepping into an art class, I’d remind them that you don’t have to be an “artist” to benefit from it. It’s not about being perfect or having natural talent. It’s about being open to the process and discovering parts of yourself you didn’t know were there. Whether it’s learning how to mix colors or experimenting with scratchboards, there’s something freeing about stepping out of your comfort zone and just trying. This art class reminded me that it’s okay to not have all the answers right away. It’s okay to experiment, to fail, and start over. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to share my story. If even one student reads this and decides to take an art class, I’ll consider it a win. Art isn’t just for the “creative types.” It’s for anyone who wants to see the world, and themselves, a little differently. Whether you’re an athlete, a psychology major, or someone who’s never drawn anything beyond stick figures, I encourage you to give it a shot. You might just surprise yourself.
Left: Julie Dowell Cat Painting
Right: Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Women's Basketball Team (Julie Dowell #10)