Inspired by her own family's experience with the care an excellent nurse can bring, Emma looks to show that same compassion for others in her own journey as a nurse.

Emma Godfrey

For as long as she can remember, Emma Godfrey '25 has had an attitude of care for others. She recalls the day she knew that nursing was the path she wanted to use that care for.

"My little brother was born in the spring of 2018 on the same day that my great grandma, my mom's grandmother, passed away. My mom wasn't able to be discharged in time for her funeral, and the entire nursing staff surrounded her with care. They signed a card with messages of sympathy and love, and I remember feeling so thankful that my mother was so well taken care of not only physically, but emotionally while going through this hard time. That was the day I remember first wanting to become a nurse. I wanted to make people feel prioritized and cared for the way those nurses cared for my mom. I wanted to see them for their entire person, not just as the obstacle they are currently facing."

A Mission of Care

Once she knew that she wanted to become a nurse, Emma set out to find the school that would get her to her goal. In her research, she came across the Mount, where the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program and other aspects, such as the Mission Ambassador program, solidified the Mount as the school for Emma.

In her time at the Mount and in the BSN program, Emma had the chance to learn a wide variety of nursing skills. The lesson that has stuck with her the most, however, is the important idea of embracing a patient as a whole person with complex emotions and problems, not just a medical issue. Much like her inspiration for becoming a nurse in the first place, this means taking care of a person physically and emotionally.

"When they are scared or tired, angry, or happy, nursing to me is about getting on the patient's level and seeing life from their perspective, seeing their issues from their eyes. I feel that this new perspective helps me see the patient not just as someone I am trying to keep healthy, but as someone I can connect with. This is one of the reasons that I love nursing so much. I meet people on some of the scariest, most frustrating days of their lives, and I have a chance to make them feel safe, cared for, and confident that their issues are important to me and that they are in good hands."

Looking ahead to her career, Emma is exploring many different fields of nursing that have caught her interest.  "I have always had an interest in obstetrics, and I loved every second I spent on the floors during my labor and delivery clinical" she explains. "It would be a dream of mine to support and encourage women as they go through some of the most challenging and rewarding moments of their life."

Emma is currently working a clinical rotation on a heart failure floor, which she finds fascinating, and is also considering furthering her education in nursing after graduation. "In short," she says, "I am letting life take me where it wants me to go."

A Circle of Care Beyond the Classroom

The Mission Ambassador program's focus on faith and leadership development drew Emma to apply, and she fondly recalls her time as an ambassador so far. "This program has given me not only faith-based opportunities," she says, "but has pushed me to strengthen my leadership skills and allowed me to grow connections with my peers and my mentors."

Through her time as a Mission Ambassador, Emma has had the opportunity to do a variety of activities and trips that strengthen her leadership and faith. She points to the group's trip to Baltimore, Maryland, as her favorite trip.

"My absolute favorite memory in this group was our pilgrimage to Baltimore in the spring of 2022," she reflects. "This experience allowed me to explore the rich history of The Mount and its foundress, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. While in Baltimore, we walked in the same footsteps as Seton, stood in the same rooms as her, and were educated by world renowned Saint Elizabeth scholars. It was the most amazing experience, and I am so thankful for the program leaders for advocating for us and giving us that opportunity."

Emma has also had the chance to get involved in the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Choral program. After an amazing experience with her high school choir and choral director's inspiration, Emma's love of music continued into college. Making the commitment to continue with choir as a nursing major was not an easy decision. "This semester I am only able to join them in class once a week because of my class schedule," Emma explains, "but I will always make room for music when I can. The Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ choral program has given me a beautiful family I get to connect with, and it has given me a way to continue to express myself through my voice while I pursue my career."

A System of Support

Through her experiences with many of the programs and activities she has been a part of, Emma recalls the strong support and influence she received from the Mount. She explains how the nursing program has pushed her to be the best she can be, recalling that she has "never encountered a nursing professor here who did not care deeply about my success and make me feel like my needs were important to them."

Emma also points to the people she has been able to interact with through the Mission Ambassador Program, specifically Maria DiTullio, Sister Karen Elliot, and Michelle Arnold. "The leaders of the Mission Ambassador program made me feel welcome and loved at this university quite literally since day one, and for that I will be forever thankful."

Additionally, through her time in the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Choir, Emma has also received plenty of support and inspiration from Mrs. DeMange, who she points to as a bright light of the University. "Ms. DeMange, the director for chamber singers, university singers, and voices of gold is just incredible," Emma explains. "She has pushed me, just as she pushes all her students to be the shining stars that we are. She pours out passion towards all of us, and I believe that she is one of the brightest lights of this university. She is the core of our family, and is the best leader. She truly wants us to succeed and nothing can stop her from allowing her to share her love for music with her students and with the community."

Outside of the Mount Community, Emma has received love and support from her family in her journey. "I can't make a list of people who have impacted my journey without mentioning my family. They are my everything, and they inspire me to lead with compassion and to keep my head high, and they bring me an unmeasurable amount of joy."


Interested in Nursing?

The direct admission Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is designed to prepare students as professional nurses who integrate the liberal arts and sciences with the knowledge and skills that are essential for patient-centered nursing practice. Graduates are caring, ethical, healthcare providers who support the dignity of others and promote holistic, evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes.

Nursing majors move through a rich variety of classes, labs, and off-campus clinical experiences to become effective patient advocates and leaders in a variety of settings. The outstanding reputation of the direct admission Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at the Mount is built upon 100 years of experience.

Visit our Nursing Program Page here to learn more! 


Interested in Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Choir?

Come and make music in an inclusive, fun environment with your friends while building your musicianship and learning some of the best choral repertoire written today. The Choral Program prioritizes music by living composers, and honors the diverse voices and experiences of its members through music.

Visit our Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Choir Page here to learn more!


Interested in the Mission Ambassador Program?

Come live our mission with us in an engaging and supportive community. We commit ourselves to creating an inclusive environment where persons of all faiths and no faith are welcomed. The Mission Ambassador Program is an intentional community of students who support and encourage one another in living the mission of Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§.

Visit our Mission Ambassador Program Page here to learn more!