We accept graduate credits earned at other regionally accredited institutions under certain conditions.
Official College Transcript
An official transcript from a regionally accredited institution must be submitted directly from the institution to:
ATTN: Office of Admission
Mount St. Joseph University
5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233-1670
Credit Transfer
A graduate program director or designee may accept up to 25% of related credit hours toward a degree.
A minimum “B” grade is required for each transfer. A maximum of two pass/fail grades may be accepted. A passing grade is equivalent to a grade of “B” or above.
Correspondence Courses
We do not accept correspondence course credit.
Old Course Credit
Graduate credits older than seven years is accepted at the department chair’s discretion.
Grades for credits transferred from another college are not included in the calculation of your GPA at the Mount.
Other Limitations
Students should consult with their graduate program director or chairperson for other limitations on transfer credit.