
The Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Physician Assistant Program, in collaboration with the Recovery Center of Hamilton County and NCCPA Health Foundation, present the Closing the Gap Through Art Project.

Individuals who are affected by a mental health condition often face many challenges related to social stigma and discrimination. Art is a way in which those who suffer from a mental health condition are able to escape the struggles of living with a psychiatric diagnosis, thus alleviating anxiety, stress, depression, and allows for individuals to express their emotions without words.

With the support of Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§’s PA Program, and funded through the NCCPA Health Foundation, members at the Recovery Center of Hamilton County were given the opportunity to work on their recovery by creating art. These pieces will be displayed at the San Giuseppe Art Gallery at Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ on March 15, 2021 through March 22, 2021. As a way to support the artists and RCHC, the artwork will be available for sale, and donations will be accepted.

In addition to the challenges this community faces integrating into society, it also faces disparities in healthcare outcomes that lead to reduced life expectancies. In this virtual exhibition, the physician assistant PA students discuss the need for current and future professionals address the social barriers that prevent them from receiving adequate care with the aim to “close the gap” in health disparities.

Please click on the video below to view the gallery display, as well as statements from the artists, the Director of the Recovery Center, and PA students.

This project provides members at the Recovery Center of Hamilton County, a peer-run-non-profit organization dedicated to serving and empowering individuals who are affected by mental illness, the opportunity to cope with the struggles of mental illness by allowing them to engage in the therapeutic process of making art.   The exhibition includes the virtual display of the Gallery and statements from the artists, the Director of the Recovery Center, and PA students. This virtual presentation seeks to reduce social stigma around mental illness and increase awareness to social issues faced by the mental health community. In an effort to support the RCHC, artwork will be available for sale from March 15th- April 16th, and donations will be accepted.  All proceeds will benefit the Recovery Center of Hamilton County. 

Please click on the names below to view their work and artist's statement.

Art Gallery

  Mike Reynolds

Artist Statement: Art can help heal your troubles and take away your worries.


Artist's work from left to right: 


The Macaw, Colored Pencil, $100

Snow Owl, Colored Pencil, $75

Harvest, Colored Pencil, $100

The Trumpet, Colored Pencil, $150

Birds of Paradise, Colored Pencil, $175


Mike-Reynolds_Birds-of-Paradise_.JPG   Mike-Reynolds_Snow-Owl.jpg Mike-Reynolds_Harvest.jpg   Mike-Reynolds_The-Trumpet.JPG  




  Kelly Cafferky

Artist Statement: I've always enjoyed art as a child and was a commercial art major but didn't finish my degree. I am so grateful to take the watercolor classes at the Recovery Center. What was once a hobby is now a passion of mine thanks to my instructor Jerry. He motivates me to do my very best. Art adds structure and enjoyment to my life and I have the Recovery Center to thank for that.


Artist's work from left to right:


Apples to Apples, Watercolor, $40

Springtime, Watercolor, $50

Spring, Watercolor, $50

Irene, Watercolor, $40

Sunshine, Watercolor, $40


Apples-to-Apples_-Kelly-Cafferky.jpg  Spring-Time_Kelly-Cafferky.jpg Spring_Kelly-Cafferky.jpg  Irene_Kelly-Cafferky.jpg


  Michael Morgan

Artist Statement: I enjoy using art for creativity and to challenge myself.


Artist's work:


Self Portrait with Spirit, Watercolor, $10



  Deb Boyd

Artist Statement: Creating art touches my heart and helps me to express feeling.


Artist's work from left to right:


Yellow Dome, Watercolor, $45

Azur Falls, Watercolor, $65

Homestead, Watercolor, $50

Splash, Watercolor, $60

Fruit in Vase, Graphite, $60



Deb-Boyd_Yellow-Dome.jpg Deb-Boyd_Azur-Falls.jpg Deb-Boyd_Al-Homestead.jpg Deb-Boyd_Splash.jpg Deb-Boyd_Fruit-in-Vase.jpg

  Marlene Kreate

Artist Statement: Art is a way I can express my emotions without words. When I am engrossed in a piece of art it helps alleviate burnout, anxiety , and depression. It is an escape from stress and relaxes me. In a world where I feel broken, art gives me a feeling of pride and self-worth.


Artist's work from left to right:


Cardinauex et Baies, Watercolor, $200

Flore en un Frasco, Watercolor, $150

Weg Nach Hause, Watercolor, $150


Marlene-Kreate_Cardinauex-et-Baies.jpg Marlene-Kreate_Flore-en-un-Frasco.jpg Marlene-Kreate_Weg-Nach-Hause.jpg

  Christina Brewer

Artist Statement: With art, and many things, you are limited only by your imagination.


Artist's work from left to right:


Phantom Horse, Acryic, $50

Spaghetti Noodles, Acrylic, $50


Christina-Brewer_Phantom-Horse.jpg Christina-Brewer_Spaghetti-noodles.jpg

  Alyson Dempsey

Artist Statement: I make the arts and crafts of "Aly Lily's Lovlies". I have a complex neurological disorder and have found art to be a way to express myself and communicate with the world. Art and crafts with a lot of color, patterns, and repetitions are very soothing to me. I enjoy making loom creations, paintings, mixed media, jewelry, writing poetry and much more. I hope you enjoy my art and crafts. I have a lot of feelings inside and communicating them verbally is a struggle because of my disorder. I find my art and crafts help share my soul with the world. I hope you enjoy. Many blessings to you.


Artist's work from left to right:


Live Life in Full Bloom, Mixed Media, $40

Dream-Catcher, Mixed Media, $25

Peace Girl, Mixed Media, $25

Take Flight with Your Dreams, Mixed Media, $20

Bloomed Flower Family, Mixed Media, $20


Alyson-Dempsey_Live-Life-in-Full-Bloom.jpg Alyson-Dempsey_Dream-Catcher.jpg Alyson-Dempsey_Dream-Girl.jpg Alyson-Dempsey_Take-Flight-with-your-Dreams.jpg Alyson-Dempsey_Bloomed-Flower-Family.jpg

  Jeannie Mueller

Artist Statement: Painting and artwork help calm my mind and focus my attention.


Artist's work from left to right:

Fox on the Run, Watercolor, $95

The Serenity, Watercolor, $35

My Dream Dusk, Watercolor, $35

California Burning, Watercolor, $65 or $115 if sold together


Jeannie-Mueller_Fox-on-the-Run.jpg Jeannie-Mueller_The-Serenity.jpg Jeannie-Mueller_My-Dream-Dusk.jpg Jeannie-Mueller_California-Burning.jpg

  Kim Roberts

Artist Statement: Creating art brings me great joy and happiness. I find peace and tranquility through the creative process.


Artist's work from left to right:


Rays of Sun, Pastels, $100

The Dream Tree, Pastels, $35

Bursts of Color, Watercolor, $100

The Woman, Pastels, $50

Peace and Tranquility, Acrylic, $75


Kim-Roberts_-Rays-of-Sun-1.jpg Kim-Roberts_-The-Dream-Tree.jpg Kim-Roberts_-Burst-of-Color-1.jpg Kim-Roberts_-The-Woman.jpg Kim-Roberts_-Peace-and-Tranquility.jpg


  Adele Ellery

Artist Statement: Art is a powerful form of expression.


Artist's work from left to right:


Joy, Watercolor, $50

The Sadness, Mixed Media, $10


Adele-Ellery_Joy.jpg Adele-Ellery_-The-Sadness.jpg

  Brian Goetz

Artist Statement: Art relaxes me and I find it enjoyable. Art is inspirational. 


Artist's work from left to right:


Ghost Girl, Watercolor, $25

Michigan Lighthouse, Watercolor, $45


Brian-Goetz_-Ghost-Girl.jpg Brian-Goetz_Michigan-Lighthouse.jpg

  Sean Bresnen

Artist Statement: My art allows me to express myself emotionally. I enjoy the completion of a piece and get a real sense of pride when finished.


Leonardo DiCaprio, Colored Pencil, $20

Woman, Oil Pastel, $25


Sean-Bresnen_Leonardo-DiCaprio.jpg Sean-Bresnen_Woman.jpg

  Tremain Starr

Artist Statement: Art is fun and a positive creative outlet.


Artist work:


Roadtrip, Crayon, $25



  Jerry Saylor

Artist Statement: Art gives life meaning.


Artist's work from left to right:


Lexington Green, Oil on Panel, $200

Devou View, Watercolor, $275

Rush Hour, Watercolor, $150

Snow Shoe, Watercolor, $35


Jerry-Saylor_Lexington-Green.jpg Jerry-Saylor_Devou-View.jpg  Jerry-Saylor_Rush-Hour.jpgJerry-Saylor_Snow-Shoe.jpg

  Pam Hughes

Artist Statement: Art is an expression of the mind. I am able to use my art to relieve stress anda anxiety.


Artist's work from left to right:


Shapes of Love - Blue, Markers, $45

Shapes of Love - Red, Markers, $45

Christmas Tree, Acryic, $50


Pam-Hughes_Shapes-of-Love-Blue.jpg Pam-Hughes_Shapes-of-Love-Red.jpg Pam-Hughes_Christmas-Tree.jpg




  • Title:
    • Closing the Gap Through Art | NCCPA Health Foundation Community Outreach Grant
  • ​Time/Date:
    • Start: Monday, March 15th
    • End: Friday, April 16th
  • ​​Location:
    • Virtual: Displayed on the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Website and shared through Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ and Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Physician Assistant Program social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)

This virtual presentation seeks to reduce social stigma around mental illness and increase awareness to social issues faced by the mental health community.

Mental Health Resources

  Recovery Center of Hamilton County
  • Please call (513) 241-1411 for in-person and online support groups.
  • The Recovery Center of Hamilton County is a Peer Run Organization that supports residents of Hamilton County who are working on their recovery from mental health struggles.
  • There are classes on wellness, creative expression, recovery education, personal growth, and more Monday through Friday
  • Their goal is to offer an environment of learning that promotes wellness and recovery to help individuals reconnect the pieces of their lives that became disconnected when they were struggling.
  Mental Health Access Point
  • Please call (513) 558-8888 for access to mental health services in Hamilton County.
  • Mental Health Access Point’s mission is to provide a standardized entry to a managed system of care that ensures appropriate services are available, accessible, and high quality.
  • Their primary functions include assessments for mental health services, transitional case management services, medication management, crisis intervention, assessment and authorization for placement into adult care facilities, application assistance for medical and disability benefits, and many more.
  • They have a 24-hour helpline that can be accessed at (513) 558-8888.
  Crisis Text Line
  • Text Home to 741-741.
  • Crisis Text Line offers 24/7 crisis counselor services at your fingertips.
  • Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from our secure online platform. The volunteer Crisis Counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment.
  Ohio Care Line
  • Please call 1-800-720-9616 for Emotional Support.
  • The Ohio CareLine is a toll-free emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and administered in community settings. Behavioral health professionals’ staff the CareLine 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. They offer confidential support in times of personal or family crisis when individuals may be struggling to cope with challenges in their lives. When callers need additional services, they will receive assistance and connection to local providers.
  Suicide Hotline
  • Please call (513) 281-CARE (2273).
  • Suicide Hotline is a 24/7 hotline that provides confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.
  Mobile Crisis Unit
  • Please call 1-800-720-9616 for Emotional Support.
  • The Ohio CareLine is a toll-free emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and administered in community settings. Behavioral health professionals’ staff the CareLine 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. They offer confidential support in times of personal or family crisis when individuals may be struggling to cope with challenges in their lives. When callers need additional services, they will receive assistance and connection to local providers.

Donations and Art Sales

  • If you are interested in purchasing artwork or would like more information about the art sales, contact Chris Pedoto. If the artwork is purchased between March 15th-March 22nd, your piece will be reserved and delivered to you at the conclusion of its Display at the Art Gallery.
  • Contact: Chris Pedoto. Phone: (513) 241-1411. Email:
  • If you are interested in supporting the Recovery Center of Hamilton County, follow to provide your support for this organization.

Provide Your Support

  Social Media
  • Follow Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ Physician Assistant Program pages on to like and share this project.