You are invited to participate in a physical activity and exercise service learning classroom

Members of the Mount Community,
You are invited to participate in a physical activity and exercise service learning classroom project being conducted in ESC 323: Principles of Health Assessment and Exercise Prescription this semester. We are looking for 9 individuals to serve as ‘fitness clients’ in our lab class.
This project will assist the Exercise Science and Integrative Health program in developing competent health care and fitness leaders, as well as assist you in identifying your fitness goals, develop a personalized exercise and fitness program for aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, mobility, and balance.
Your involvement as a study volunteer for this student-led service learning is crucial for students to develop the skills to interact with a diverse population of individuals.
The program will last 7 weeks, starting after Spring Break and ending the week prior to exams.
A detailed explanation of the weekly requirements is available below.
Please read the following information and consider volunteering.
If interested in participating please contact Dr. BC Charles-Liscombe with your preferred contact information (Name, e-mail, and telephone number) and any questions or concerns you may have.
Please respond as soon as possible, but not later than Monday, February 17th. Individuals will be contacted on a first come-first served basis. Past program participants have reported positive health benefits and experiences.
In order to participate, you must…
- Be over 18 years of age
- Be available for in person and virtual meetings based on the schedule provided (see below)
- Be willing to participate in an exercise program (4 weeks) designed to meet your short-term fitness/health goals. Student exercise professionals will make 4 weeks of exercise programming, therefore, concerted efforts to adhere is needed by volunteers.
- Have had a blood lipid profile (fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol) within the last 6 months OR be willing to have the student exercise professional take a finger stick to obtain your fasting blood glucose and cholesterol
- Complete a PAR-Q+ health history questionnaire.
- If the health history questionnaire recommends medical clearance to exercise, you must provide a doctor’s approval to participate.
In order to participate, you cannot…
- Be medically disqualified from physical activity
Below are the schedule requirements for participation:
- Week 1: Week of March 10-14
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting in person (see dates/times below) to receive pre-exercise health evaluation, review health history, engage in a motivational interview and set physical activity and exercise goals.
- Available times to meet with students:
- Monday or Wednesday 1-1:50 PM
- Tuesday or Thursday 9:30-11:55 am
- Available times to meet with students:
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting in person (see dates/times below) to receive pre-exercise health evaluation, review health history, engage in a motivational interview and set physical activity and exercise goals.
- Week 2: March 17-21
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting on Tuesday or Thursday between 9:30-11:55 AM in person to have resting health evaluated and participate in fitness testing (cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and range of motion).
- Will need to dress appropriately and be prepared to exercise
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting on Tuesday or Thursday between 9:30-11:55 AM in person to have resting health evaluated and participate in fitness testing (cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and range of motion).
- Week 3: March 24 - 28
- In person meetings to review exercise program or workout with student exercise professionals
- Must be available to meet in person (day and time determined by participant and student clinicians) to discuss success/challenges for Week 2 and recommend modifications
- Week 4: March 31 – April 4
- In person meetings to review exercise program or workout with student exercise professionals
- Must be available to meet in person (day and time determined by participant and student clinicians) to discuss success/challenges for Week 3 and recommend modifications
- Week 5: April 7 - 11
- In person meetings to review exercise program or workout with student exercise professionals
- Must be available to meet in person (day and time determined by participant and student clinicians) to discuss success/challenges for Week 4 and recommend modifications
- Week 6: April 14-18
- In person meetings to review exercise program or workout with student exercise professionals
- Must be available to meet in person (day and time determined by participant and student clinicians) to discuss success/challenges for Week 5 and recommend modifications
- Week 7: April 21-25
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting in person (see dates/times below) to conduct an end of project interview and follow up fitness assessment.
- Available times to meet with students:
- Monday or Wednesday 1-1:50 PM
- Tuesday or Thursday 9:30-11:55 am
- If the participant desires to have post-fitness assessments, they will need to meet with their student exercise professionals during this time
- Available times to meet with students:
- The student exercise professionals will send a project report and recommendations for continued fitness goals by April 30th.
- Must be available for a 1-hour (minimum) meeting in person (see dates/times below) to conduct an end of project interview and follow up fitness assessment.