Undergraduate Studies for Adult Students


"The Mount will support you no matter what phase of life you are in. Being an adult student and attending the Mount is the best decision I have ever made. I am very happy I chose to complete my degree here!"   

– Jillian Zwick, adult student


As a university, the Mount reflects a breadth of academic programming and services to prepare graduates who are career-ready and leadership-focused. The Mount’s programs are led by award-winning faculty experts dedicated to student success. At Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§, students connect to a lifetime of value.

Our campus is conveniently located in Delhi Township near Downtown Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with easy, on-site parking. Our student resources include on-campus computer labs, health sciences labs, library services, and workout facilities.

Get more information from our adult students admission page and learn about admission requirements, transfer guidelines, and answers to frequently asked questions.


This program is designed to serve students enrolled at Cincinnati State to connect the path of their associate degree from one of our education partners, to completing their bachelor degree at the Mount. Click here for details.


  • A student to faculty ratio of 11:1 means smaller classes and personal attention.
  • Daytime classes are accompanied by online, evening, and Saturday options for flexible scheduling.
  • Student organizations like Phi Alpha (social work), Veterans in Community, and Student Nurses Association provide academic support and professional development opportunities.


With more than 35 options in majors, minors, and programs, the Mount’s adult undergraduate programs provide flexibility. Whether you are looking to finish a degree, enhance your education, or change careers, our programs provide flexible learning formats, strong career outlooks, and preparation for graduate school to meet future goals. Featuring courses with evening, weekend, or online degree options, the following majors are a popular option among adult students.


The new liberal arts major combines the fundamental disciplines of English, history, religious studies, and philosophy into an engaging and flexible program that enables students to develop research, writing, presentation, and critical thinking skills. The program prepares students to enter a variety of graduate programs that will serve them well as they pursue an advanced degree.


Students seeking an advanced business degree can enroll in the liberal arts major with a business administration minor and follow a path to the Master in Business Administration (MBA).


For a customized curriculum for a specific career path, the liberal arts program can be concentrated with one of the following minors:


The Behavioral Science major is customizable and can be crafted according to each student’s unique interests and career aspirations. Students will select from an array of psychology, sociology, and criminology courses and have flexible scheduling options including day, evening, blended, and online course offerings.

Upon graduation, students may utilize their Behavioral Science degree to pursue employment as a:

  • Research Assistant or Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Case worker
  • Correctional officer
  • Probation or parole officer
  • Law enforcement
  • Asset protection or loss prevention
  • Welfare/social services
  • Marketing research analyst (with the additional courses MKT 300 and MKT 415)
  • Victims’ advocate
  • Rehab counselor
  • Mental health specialist
  • Therapeutic service provider

The Business - Management: Online major will be able to apply knowledge of leadership and management to increase efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing organizational goals. Flexible, online courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students can pick and choose participating in certain courses in-person or online.

Students gain a strong ethical foundation and awareness of global and social issues in business, as graduates use their knowledge to contribute to business operations in organizations ranging from large corporations to small businesses. Future careers include:

  • Management
  • Human resources
  • Operations
  • Quality management
  • Project management

The Legal Studies major which has been approved by the American Bar Association for more than 20 years, offers both general professional preparation and concentration in specific legal areas, providing a broad base of knowledge.

Students completing this degree also receive a certificate to practice as a paralegal. A paralegal is not licensed to practice law and works under a lawyers’ supervision, to manage a variety of tasks, including:

  • Interviewing clients
  • Acquiring factual data
  • Drafting court pleadings and legal documents
  • Researching statutes, cases and legal source material

The Social Work major is available in accelerated evening and weekend formats, convenient for the working adult. Students majoring in social work learn to appreciate the cultural and human diversity in society through classroom experience and field work.

The field work experience (two days a week at a social agency) provides on-the-job learning experience under close supervision by both a faculty member and an agency professional, including

  • mental health programs,
  • crisis centers for domestic violence,
  • homeless shelters,
  • and other public service areas.


The Natural Sciences major can be completed through evening and online courses. This program is excellent preparation for students who intend to continue on to a graduate program in the health sciences.

Nursing profession graduate options include:

The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree is another option in the health sciences field that trains students to become effective practitioners and health care team members. The Mount’s Physician Assistant (PA) program seeks to prepare students to become outstanding clinicians fully prepared to deliver quality health care in an ever-changing environment. The natural sciences major can also be coupled with a minor in chemistry, biology or business to broaden or redirect career options in those fields.