Newsletter— September 12, 2024

students in seton lobby

Got a Question? Ask Advising.

The Academic Advising Resource Center (AARC) is located in the Conlan Center, around the corner from the Registrar Office. Our team is here to help you any and all academic or advising questions. Drop-ins are welcome!


Important Deadlines 

Planning to graduate in May? Then you need to apply for graduation by September 15. Scroll down to LINKS, then click Students: Apply here to Graduate. Your advisor cannot fill this out for you, but if you have questions, or issues filling out  the form, email your advisor or contact asap. You’ve come this far, don’t let a missed deadline spoil your plans!


Pass Program

If you’re taking part in the PASS Program, remember you need to meet with Jadah Jackson every two weeks. If you missed a meeting, email Jadah asap to get back on schedule: New to PASS? Learn more about our Pass Program here.


Life Hacks with BPW

Q: Trouble focusing on schoolwork? Caught in a whirlwind of daily distraction?

A: Change your environment by switching up where you work on school-related tasks. If you read, study, or write in the same place you email, web surf, binge Netflix, play games, socialize, relax, or sleep, it’s harder to get into the school mindset. Musicians don’t practice piano in the kitchen. Athletes don’t run plays in bed. Scientists don’t do lab research on the couch. Location. Location. Location. Find a library desk to designate your “study zone.” Try writing in an empty classroom or computer lab. Try setting up a dedicated “reading nook” at home.

Got space or mobility constraints? Here’s James Clear’s advice from his book Atomic Habits: “If your space is limited, divide your room into activity zones: a chair for reading, a desk for writing, a table for eating. You can do the same with your digital spaces…[your] computer only for writing, [your] tablet only for reading, [your] phone only for social media and texting. Every habit should have a home.” Try the mantra one space, one use for two weeks and see what happens! If nothing else, you’ll learn more about what works—and doesn’t—for you.


Kate's Corner (Academic Survival Tips)

Struggling with time management, or want to improve your organizational skills? Check out these links to learn effective, practical ways to manage your time and calendars. and find tips to organize your calendar by clicking on the image below:


Wellness Tips

Got a minute? Then you’ve got time to check out the Wellness Center’s hours and offerings, which include counseling, health, and telehealth services. Click here to learn more and to access the Wellness Center calendar for free events and workshops, or you can view the Wellness Fact Card here.



Keep up with crucial dates and info about advising by following msj_advising on Instagram. We’ll be launching soon with a brand new logo and helpful tips and timelines for students. Follow us now so you’re ready later!

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